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Power Generation

Power Generation

Working in gas, coal, oil, hydroelectric, renewable or nuclear power plants is challenging. From generation to transmission and distribution the health and safety of workers needs to be protected in all applications. Field workers are widely recognised as having more hazardous occupations but plant employees can also work under dangerous conditions.


MSA‘s expertise with electrical worker protection is evident throughout its wide range of safety solutions covering head, eye, face, hearing, fall protection and portable gas detectors. MSA products meet local and international standards and are developed to ensure the highest safety requirements. MSA's goal is to make workplaces in power plants safer, offering reliable PPE with high comfort and modern designs.


MSA ALTAIR 5X Multigas Detectorin charcoal grey color with colour display
ALTAIR® 5X Multigas Detector

天鹰(ALTAIR) 5X多气体检测仪是MSA结合多年设计经验,采用MSA专利X智能传感器技术的全新、系列化便携式气体检测仪表。

可检测多达6种气体;所有X智能传感器均可实现即插即用,配置灵活方便;即使在恶劣环境下,传感器信号依然保持稳定,可靠性强;ALTAIR 5X带来更快的响应时间(15秒);超长的传感器寿命(典型寿命4年);先进的PID传感器技术,可检测数百种有毒有害物质;业内首创的传感器寿命指示,以及人性化的跌倒报警和立即报警功能;

出色的设计,以及更长寿命的电池,可供全天候使用。得益于更长的传感器寿命、更长质保以及无与伦比的耐用性,ALTAIR 5X 为您节省更多

GasGard XL壁挂式多通道控制器
GasGard XL壁挂式多通道控制器

MSA GasGard XL是一款多通道壁挂式控制器,用于监侧工业设施领域的有毒气体、氧气及可燃性气体。由于其内在的多功能性且易于使用,GasGard XL可在各种工作环境中预防潜在的危险发生,为职业健康与安全提供防护。


MSA在现有天鹰5X 的基础上新增了蓝牙无线功能,实现了气体检测仪和其他便携式安卓智能设备(手机,平板电脑)的无线互联。只需在安卓移动设备上通过百度助手免费下载MSA专属无线平台——ALTAIR Connect APP,即可实时接收气体检测读数、更改气体检测仪设置、接收报警信息。

  • 实现气体检测仪和安卓便携设备的无线连接。
  • 便携设备实时读取仪表信息
  • 便携设备实时接收天鹰5X蓝牙版报警信号,第一时间响应,并可迅速准确传递信息至相关部门
  • 通过便携设备对天鹰5X蓝牙版进行仪表设置,操作更简便

ALTAIR Connect APP软件是MSA重金打造的无线平台,具有以下功能:

  • 实时显示气体读数
  • 短信通知报警信息
  • 仪表设置